Today I am going to talk about my favorite topic. Money.
Have too much of it and you will die wondering how to protect it.
Have too little and you will die out of hunger and inflation.
Each one has a different relationship with money.
Some find money sacred and revere their wealth like a God.
Some find money taboo and treat it like a disease.
Almost everyone chase money like its their life’s purpose.
Yet money acts like a wily mistress. The more you chase it, the further it goes away.
On the other hand if you have the ability to woo money, it finds ways to stick with you.
Now, I wont act like an expert on financial advise. God knows I made my fare share of mistakes with money. Invested in shady deals. Burrowed money for things I had no interest. Ended up paying heavy interest for those things.
For most of my life, I ran behind money without understanding some core fundamentals about wealth. Which ultimately resulted in me getting into more and more debt.
So much so that I started despising that word – debt.
Which I now realize is a folly. Most wealthy people use debt wisely to buy assets that create more wealth rather than buying liabilities that erode their existing wealth.
Debt is such as vast and deep subject. I would like to talk about it separately in another blog.
But for the moment, let us talk about mindset that attracts money.
How can you be the Casanova that attracts money to your bank account?
Conventional wisdom says that if you study well, gain knowledge and get a good job, you should be able to achieve that ability.
Unfortunately, I have many examples of highly educated individuals struggling to make ends meet.
Fortunately, I also know few people who might not have that much of an educational background on paper. But they are doing quite well in their financial lives.
So what is it that distinguishes the second category from the first one.
Why is the class topper struggling with his financial life while the backbencher making a fortune.
I believe the answer lies in the attitude towards money.
You see, just because you are academically good does not mean you have all the skillsets to draw top salary from your employers. In fact, it does not even mean that you are employable.
Those mid and back benchers, they know that they have to slog hard to pass their exams. They also know that even if they pass, they have to slog hard to get jobs.
I guess that kind of makes them prepared for what is to come next in life.
Being ready to work hard is prerequisite for any kind of success let alone attracting wealth.
The next most important mindset is to learn things through practical application rather than academic understanding.
You learn better when you try things. You need to dirty your hands to learn the nitty gritty of your ventures.
Unless you gain that deeper understanding of the topic of your liking, you can never gain the expertise to attract attention to your skill set. Your hunger for knowledge and curiosity for learning more sets you apart.
So the lesson for today. Being prepared to work hard and learning things through practical application.
If only we are prepared to do these things, we will be on our pathway to start attracting money. I guess money is a byproduct. A reward for following the right pathway.
More about this tomorrow. See you then!