The conundrum of time allocation.

The amount of time required to do a job expands according to the time allocated for completing the job.

Which means you can complete a chore within 7 mins or you can do the same chore within 70 mins. Depending on the time allocated for the chore.

Of course the quality of your work will differ.

The more time you have on hand, the more focused output you can create.

Similarly, a rush job is bound to attract mistakes and imperfections.

Nonetheless, it is essential to impose deadlines. They are what motivates us to initiate the task. They also prevent us from digression or lose focus from the crux of the matter.

You might be wondering why this discussion about time allocation.

I will tell you why. I started this blog yesterday. My intention was to write one blog per week. Had I done that I would have put some nice pictures, done some keyword research, added some hastags and quotes, made it prettier.

But in that case it would not have come from the heart. The way I am writing now.

I am writing these blogs to connect with my readers not to impress them.

I hope find value in these conversations. See you tomorrow!

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