Here we are again. In a new year (not new exactly) with a month already over.
I had this sudden urge to start blogging again.
I used to do that during the lockdowns. But as you can make out from my past tense, I did not continue that for long.
The reason: I switched jobs, got more responsibilities, my wife gave birth to a child, which gave me even more responsibilities. Lo and behold, the first thing to take a hit is my blog.
This is my attempt to reignite my passion for writing.
I will blog simply for the pleasure of writing and nothing else.
I am sure to be judged, lets be honest – does that matter anyway? Life is too short to worry about such minute things.
What is more important is to learn.
Learn about blogging.
Learn about Sales.
Learn about Digital marketing.
And learn about myself.
There is no set pattern or niche to this blog.
One day I might dabble with self help, the other day I might write about cricket and then there will be days when I write about something totally different such as relationship or parenting.
My number one priority will be that the reader takes away something from each article that he reads.
There will be boundaries offcourse.
I will not write about something that I am not interested in or remotely passionate about.
I will not write a fact without checking its credibility.
I will not write something just to impress someone.
This is a pure and unadulterated form of me. The core me. The core Rohit. Someone who is above all pretty mundane things.
So the lesson for today: Your life becomes better if your purpose is to help someone lead a better life.
I repeat again – your life becomes better if your purpose is to help someone lead a better life.
God knows how I have failed my friends and family from time and again. But trust me, it is not because of lack of interest.
I try to help wherever I can. Unfortunately, that is seldom enough. Ultimately, I end up being a villain. People have expectations from me. It is not possible to stand up to those expectations.
Let me give you an example: Many of my friends and colleagues send their resumes to me to help them find a job.
The reason might be that I am good at getting a job for myself.
Or that I am working for a good company which might have openings for other people.
The reality is that I cannot influence recruitment in my company. Neither do I have a list of openings with me every time the HR is hunting for someone.
All I can do is let someone know about a vacancy that I have heard about. Frankly, that’s few and far between.
You would have a better chance of getting a job if you spend more time on LinkedIn or other job portals.
That’s something I can help you with. Understanding LinkedIn, understanding the dynamics of job interviews, understanding the viewpoint of an HR, what things you can do to better your chances of getting a job.
Which means that I can only help those who are ready to help themselves. Unfortunately, most people are not ready to put in the efforts. They are blinded by their degrees and their work experience. They are choosy and picky plus not to mention they are terrible at upskilling.
So my purpose would be to help those select few who are ready to put in the efforts but are struggling to find a good job and pay their bills.
What would be your purpose? Who do you want to help today? How will your life create an impact?